The confusion surrounding the big match leg of JET11' tour of Wonderland has ended with Dubai Zahirians Board of Control (DZCB) announcing that the Big Match 2011 has been postponed to late 04th February 2011 because of the bad weather all across the dubai. The decision, made after an understanding was reached by the boards of the both teams.
"The weather in dubai has been most disappointing throughout the Match and a practical decision had to be taken in the best interest of cricket, the fans and the players," DZCB chief executive, Mohammed Farman, said. "It made little sense to have the teams turn up for matches which they knew were not going to take place and this would have caused frustrations to players and officials as well.
"The weather is beyond any of our control and the DZCB will now work with JET11 Cricket Club to ensure that the matches are rescheduled to a time when the weather is more favourable for cricket."might be 10 days later.
"The weather in dubai has been most disappointing throughout the Match and a practical decision had to be taken in the best interest of cricket, the fans and the players," DZCB chief executive, Mohammed Farman, said. "It made little sense to have the teams turn up for matches which they knew were not going to take place and this would have caused frustrations to players and officials as well.
"The weather is beyond any of our control and the DZCB will now work with JET11 Cricket Club to ensure that the matches are rescheduled to a time when the weather is more favourable for cricket."might be 10 days later.