Former DZCC all rounder&Skipper Mohammad Ifthikar has urged the DZCC selectors, captain and players to handle DZCC with care."I'm very impressed with DZCC".DZCC's are very talented cricketers, but I worry a lot about them past two month.physically they look strong enough yet to be playing cricket, especially this summmer. ifthikar's reservations are justified after a exit cut short his own DZCC career. He represented DZCC in 33 ODIs, and was recognised as one of DZCC Medium fast ever bowler & Middle order Batsman.
One of the worries for DZCC is the thigh injury to former vice-captain Irshad, who has been one of DZCC key player in one-dayers. But Skipper Razy remains confident Irshad will be fit for Comming games after watching him practice at the nets.There aren't likely to be too many changes to the upcomming Matchs.One person who place could be under the scanner is Razeen, who is wants care DZCC with a Situation like this I think that Razeen can do best.Hope DZCC will be back soon.