Mr.Azar person who from Colombo (SRL)
Currently in UAE for Short time
Working with Dubai semi Government RTA:
Meet DZCC Caption Mr.Sanaz Yesterday Evening in
MagicWay saloon (Burdubai)
They two discuss more then one Hour Regards
Zahirians Future Plans.
Mr.Azar sad he help to Make a New Jersey set for
DZCC soon as possible.
MORE: Dubai Zahirians are really going well in these Season and
Another Two or three Month there DREAMS will COME TRUE.
DZCC captures last few Month want to be Rank Number One in UAE.
Mr.Azar one of Colombo Zahirian (1993 – 2004)
So far he Proud to be a ZAHIRIAN.
Created by - Mohammed Hillal
Official Press Releaser